ERP Implementation Consultants
We have worked with hundreds of ERP implementation consultants on various projects around the world. ERP software consultants who know their jobs and provide expert advice in their given fields.
We make it our business to understand both the strengths and the weaknesses of every consultant we track. We pride ourselves in only providing our clients with quality, capable and affordable resources ensuring you get the right resource at the right time in the right place
Rollout of a heavily customized ERP LN FP7 Global Implementation
ERP LN 10.5 upgrade from ERP LN FP7
ERP LN 10.5 global implementation
ERP LN 10.4 implementation
ERP LN Special Project
ERP LN 10.3 implementation
ERP LN FP8 10.2.1 implementation
Assessment Project
ERP LN implementation and later ERP LN post implementation support
ERP LN implementation
Global Baan V implementation
Baan IV (automotive) implementation
LN Implementation
Supply Chain Interface with i2B
LN Global Roll-Out
LN Implementation
Global rollout of Infor M3 V 13.4
Infor M3 V13.4 Implmentation
Infor M3 Implementation
Infor M3 Implementation
QAD Implementation
QAD – Salesforce Integration Development & Implementation
QAD Support
QAD – Easy Access Integration Implementation & QAD 2015 EE Upgrade
QAD Support
Migration from QAD to SAP
QAD Integration Implementation
QAD MS-CRM, QAD-UPS World Ship Manager & QAD-ACOM
QAD Custom Module Implementation
Integration Project (Proof Of Concept) QAD-Project
MFG/PRO Support Analyst
QAD Integration Qxtend Developer , QAD EE2016
QAD Integration : Qxtend Developer , QAD EE2016
MFG/PRO Support Analyst
Application specialist
QAD 2008 SE Support & Enhancement project
VDSO Model Implementation & Non Prod Purchasing Integration
Application Management
LN Lead Logistics Consultant - Food & Beverage
LN Lead Logistics Consultant
BaaN V Lead Logistics and Services Consultant
LN Logistics Consultant
BaaN Logistics and Services Consultant
Legacy Kronos Conversion to ADP Workforce Manager (Kronos)
SAAS replacement for in-house custom-built employee time and scheduling system
Implementation of Infor Workforce Management pay rules and scheduling
Implementation of ADP eTime (Kronos)
Implementation of Infor Workforce Management
Implementation of ADP Vantage. ADP eTime
Infor M3 Cloud (Multi-Tenant) Implementation v16
Infor M3 Cloud (Single Tenant) Implementations v13.4
On-Premise Implementations: V10.1, 12.4 &13.4